
Edit Portrait Mode photos on your Mac!

Anamorphic Pro

Anamorphic Pro is a professional lens blur tool. Now you can edit iPhone Portrait Mode photos on your Mac. Anamorphic Pro turns your ordinary photos into cinematic masterpieces.
Integration with the Mac Photos app makes it easy to edit your portrait shots.


Lens Blur

Get true anamorphic depth of field like expensive lenses.

Photos App Integration

Edit iPhone Portrait Mode Photos on your Mac.

Pro features

  • RAW file support
  • OpenGL Performance
  • 64 bit pipeline


Adjust the anamorphic look with bokeh shape, highlights, lens distortion, etc.

Color Grading

Expert collection of cinematic color filters to get a pro film look.


Share your creations on your favorite social networks.

Add True Anamorphic Depth of Field

Create a cinematic scene with Anamorphic Pro


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